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Scientists develop a versatile near-field microscopy platform that can operate in high magnetic fields and below liquid helium temperatures


Major scientific breakthroughs are often enabled by new technologies and instruments. A new type of near-field optical microscope with high-resolution imaging at extreme temperatures and magnetic fields could do just that for quantum computing technologies and topological studies.

Kim et al. present a sub-2 Kelvin cryogenic magnetic Hertz scattering type scanning near-field optical microscope (cm-THz-sSNOM). Terahertz sSNOM imaging uses 300-micron wavelength light shining on a small metal tip to map materials at the nanoscale, allowing local material properties to be measured with deep subwavelength, 20-nanometer spatial precision - 15,000 times smaller than the wavelength of the light used. After several years of hard work, the researchers were able to demonstrate an improved sSNOM platform that has unparalleled resolution capabilities under extreme operating conditions. "We have improved the resolution in space, time, and energy," said author Jigang Wang. "We have also simultaneously improved operation at extremely low temperatures and high magnetic fields. The microscope was demonstrated by measuring superconductors and topological semimetals. The results showed the first high-resolution sSNOM images at 9.5 kelvin in a 1 tesla magnetic field. The microscope could help develop new qubits with longer coherence times - currently limited by material and interface defects - and improve understanding of the fundamental properties of topological materials. "It is important to image down to billionths of a meter, quadrillionths of a second and trillions of light waves per second to be able to select better materials and guide the fabrication of quantum and topological circuits," Wang said. Although the microscope has demonstrated record-breaking measurements, the researchers aim to further improve the instrument by increasing sensitivity and making the SUV-sized microscope more user-friendly. Related article: "A sub-2 kelvin cryogenic magneto-terahertz scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (cm-THz-sSNOM)," by R. H. J. Kim, J.-M. Park, S. J. Haeuser, L. Luo, and J. Wang, Review of Scientific Instruments (2023). The article can be accessed at The article presents a versatile near-field microscopy platform developed by researchers that can operate at high magnetic fields and below liquid helium temperatures. Using this platform, researchers demonstrated the operation of extreme terahertz (THz) nanomicroscopy and obtained the first low-temperature magnetic terahertz time-domain nanospectroscopy/imaging at temperatures as low as 1.8 K, magnetic fields up to 5 T, and operation at 0–2 THz. < br />< br />

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Source: Instrument Information Network

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